Investment markets have shown a lot of enthusiasm for AI and ChatGPT technology. Since the launch of ChatGPT on 30 November 2022, the NYSE
FactSet Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Index increased 24% to 30 June 2023. In contrast, the S&P 500 had a smaller uplift
of 9% for over the same period.4
Some commentators are couching AI as part of a fourth industrial revolution that promises to increase labour productivity across the
economy.5 Here’s some context.
The first industrial revolution started in the late 1700s with the mechanisation of the textile industry. The second industrial revolution,
from the late 1800s, was from mass production, such as the Ford assembly lines. If you’re old enough, you may remember the third
industrial revolution of the 1990s, when the internet linked desktop PCs. This spurred huge productivity growth that was re- flected in
gross domestic product gains for countries across the globe together with share market growth.6
In a similar way, it may be that widespread AI productivity gains could boost economic growth and share market performance across the world.
And share market investments that specialise in the technology sector offer concentrated exposure to the AI value-chain. This value chain
includes companies that are developing and integrating AI technology as well as companies that supply the hardware and software that AI
relies on – such as cloud services and computer chips.
As with any innovation that captures wide-spread public attention, it’s important to be wary of market hype, inflated company valua- tions
and price bubbles. So, if you’re interested in increasing your exposure to AI technologies, we recommend professional financial advice and
expert investment management, so that your investment is optimised for long-term growth.